Do you make a great first impression?

I ran a programme a couple of months ago and one of the speakers, Sue Donnelly from Accentuate, gave a fantastic insight into ‘image’. She is at the top of her field and well qualified, she is also the author of four books on the subject as well.

At the event I ran she was ‘talent spotted’ by another organisation and was the last speaker of the day for their programme. I was delighted that she had been approached to speak as she is great. This last session of the day is never an easy slot to fill as some people seem to slip off early. I was delighted that the room was still full – and

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Seasonal impressions do count…..

My last article got me thinking about the impression we make. I have written elsewhere about first impressions and indeed have a fantastic special report on the subject too in my product section (by the way the ‘fantastic’ is the word of a client not mine!).

No, what I was interested in is the way the changing seasons create changes in the way we present ourselves. As we move from the colder weather to the warmer and on some days hot conditions all manner of changes are to be seen on our streets and in businesses in the area of dress code. Some people see it as on opportunity to bring out their summer clothes, others

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Insights discovery

After a weekend investing some time and money in my own development Monday saw me at a further day of development in my role as mentor for Insights Discovery – which is probably the best behavioural profiling instrument that is available on the market today across the world, it is certainly one of the most accurate. I love the product as it can create such major learning and development at an individual, team and business level. And whilst easy to understand it has massive depth. I have used many other instruments in the past and nothing comes close for the impact I can create when helping in management and leadership development. One of the uses I make

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