Seasonal impressions do count…..

My last article got me thinking about the impression we make. I have written elsewhere about first impressions and indeed have a fantastic special report on the subject too in my product section (by the way the ‘fantastic’ is the word of a client not mine!). 

No, what I was interested in is the way the changing seasons create changes in the way we present ourselves. As we move from the colder weather to the warmer and on some days hot conditions all manner of changes are to be seen on our streets and in businesses in the area of dress code. Some people see it as on opportunity to bring out their summer clothes, others continue with their winter wear but just wear less. Whilst others just abandon any attempt to look tidy thinking that the advent of summer is an excuse for untidy dress and presentation.

How does this work in your business? Do you use it as a time to let standards slip? All that development in brand and image falling by the wayside?

Interesting questions for many organisations. And a subject area so seldom discussed on a management development programme, rarely on any leadership development programme – and yet…..huge amounts of money are spent on brand development. There seems to be little congruence for some businesses.

So perhaps a final question – do you consider the seasonal impact on your business image?

That could differentiate you from the crowd – positively and also negatively – now that is your choice.

My best wishes,


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