When was the last time you laughed?

I was listening to something which mentioned that human beings are the only creature that have the ability to laugh. I am not sure that this is true but it did make me smile. The remark that then followed really did make me laugh. That was that human beings are probably the only creatures who have enough problems for the need to laugh.

This got me thinking about the pressures that we seem to have in our lives. As the world seems to spin at an ever increasing speed, many of us seem to have less time to focus on things to same depth we many well have done in the past. When the joys of childhood, in the days before we had our first watch, nothing seemed to matter other than the very thing we were playing with, or building, or investigating. Usually only a reminder by our rumbling stomachs that it was meal time or the onset of tiredness. Else a summons by a parent to come and have our lunch or tea, or a reminder that it was all too soon our bedtime, was the only thing to disrupted our focus.

As we grew older, the things that absorbed our time changed. Changed until we reached a stage where much of our days are already programmed, and we have to squeeze in anything extra or the unexpected. When one looks from the outside at someone rushing around with all manner of things causing them pressure we can, at times, almost laugh at the seriousness that is being taken over something we may consider quite trivial. But for that person the matter has assumed a priority and seriousness.

Quite simply, the matter has taken over our mind as we may have not stepped back and looked at it with new eyes. Perhaps we are also taking the topic or ourselves too seriously. I know I do at times…..I wonder if you do too?

This got me thinking:

  • When do I make time for a good dose of ‘looking from the outside in’, to see if I too am raveled up in something that should be fun rather than a problem?
  • When was the last time I made humour of something I am doing….in a daft way, or if I am taking things far to seriously?
  • When was the last time I allowed myself to just play, or build, or investigate, just because something caught my interest?
  • When was the last time I switched off the clock until my tummy rumbled?
  • When was the last time I made someone laugh – either at or with me?
  • When was the last time I went a day without wearing my watch and laughed because I was having fun?

Oooo, some of those questions made me squirm – perhaps I need to add a little more humour into my day.

What about you – if we are the only creature that can laugh, why not make more use of this precious unique gift?

My best wishes,




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