By a nose……

I was at the racecourse for the first event of the year when I took the picture you can see. It was a lovely day with a large crowd all set to have a good time. Insights into the preparation were clear – the grass was well tended, the fences looking perfectly even, the white railings glistening in the early afternoon sun and the staff from the course all noticeable as they wore green blazers.

It got me thinking about a whole range of things – how well managed the event was. The training by the owners and jockeys so their horses would perform well on the day. The leadership hoped for once the starting tap had risen. The celebration for those who won, the reviewing by those who didn’t.

It also struck me that of the many that took part in each race only the ones at the front of the race would be remembered – so all of their preparation would be recognised whereas the ones who only finished down the field would only be forgotten by those who ripped up their losing race ticket and headed to the book makers for the next race, the next opportunity.

The difference is so often small – winning by a nose. So some questions:

  • When did you last win a deal, a promotion a contract? And was it by a nose or a clear win?
  • When did you last lose out to a competitor – and was that only by a nose? What more could you have done?
  • Are you remaining ‘fit’ by undertaking ongoing training and development?

If you are not investing in individual, team and business development – in leadership development in management development, perhaps we need to speak.

Isn’t it important to keep your nose out in front?

My best wishes,


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