50 Year Ago

It is interesting how history is made – 50 years ago on 22 November 1963 President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas. He was 46. After all these years we remember such events, even if we were not born or too small to understand the impact when they happened.

It was only a few months before (26 June 1963) that his speech ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ was made when visiting Berlin – whilst his words are credited as a turning point of the Cold War it was another 26 years before the Wall came down in November 1989. In his inaugural address on 20 January 1961 his words ‘Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.’ touched the nerve of the country.  He helped Martin Luther King gain release from jail – sadly both men were to die in the same year.

As a further twist of fate would have it on 24 November 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President Kennedy, was shot and killed by Jack Ruby while being transferred to jail. He was 23, half the age of President Kennedy.

A time to reflect on these issues that have been history changing.

My question – what would I have left behind if some tragedy struck? Perhaps a great question to ask of yourself too?

I hope I have many more years left but it does make one stop, think, value each day and know that there is so much more to do. Now let’s get on with creating our own new horizon…..and legacy.



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