‘Work life blend®’

Last weekend I was out walking near the River Severn in Gloucestershire, England, with a friend I had not seen for a while. We had lots of great conversation to catch up on. It was a rather impromptu walk as we had both been busy in our worlds of work and neither of us had been out walking in the mud for a while. Also, as we live in different parts of the country we can always make the excuse that it is not easy. A grabbed opportunity saw us munching some lovely French pastries and drinking hot spiced juice by our cars prior to setting off.

The term ‘work life balance’ has been gaining ground for

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Snowdrops – new beginnings

I was in a friend’s garden, on the border of England and Wales, a little over a week ago and I was amazed at the sheer carpet of snowdrops that welcomed me at every turn. These wonderful little plants are a delightful sight and start the new season of flowers and growth. It is so late for these to still be in flower – although with a winter that has been colder and lasted longer than we have grown accustomed, it is hardly surprising. A pleasant surprise I would add. The news today reported that magnolia trees are a month behind. I am sure that nature will tidy up our growing diary and if it doesn’t, there

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Lent – giving up bad habits too!

As you may be aware we are well into Lent, the time in the Christian year when people give up something. Many other religions have a similar time in their annual calendar, and unique to their faith.

At lent, chocolate is a well favoured item to give up – some succeed some get tempted. Now I am not here to judge or make anyone feel guilty if they have slipped from their chosen path, or to feel brilliant if you are still on track. This year though it got me thinking about what bad habits I may have that I should give up, and this raised some interesting questions.

How do we know we have started bad

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