D-Day – what does it mean to you?

The television coverage and newspapers have been full of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of D-Day. The remembrance of the events from the beaches of France.

It was wonderful to see the few brave men who are left who were part of the invasion, proud and clearly still moved with vivid memories of the day – and the the horrifying days, weeks and months that were to follow. Remembering the comrades who were lost on that day in our history, and the following years. They are now in their autumn years – 70 years ago they were young and barely adults.

I was watching some of the events with my parents who lived at the times of the events – who still say little about these times. It was also clear that many of the people who were touched by the reminder of this historic event were not born at the time. Events that changed the course of history…..and one wonders what would have happened if history had taken a different course.

The statistics* are staggering: 10,440 aircraft, 6,330 ships, 153,110 troops. But the statistics are bald. Every one of them has a human content that a year later helped in bringing the World War II to an end.

So what does D-Day mean to you?

I sat for a while and thought through this question. I hope you have too.

My best wishes,


* Source: Sunday Times 8 June 2014

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