Are you on the correct road…..?

I was recently in the countryside walking with a friend and, as you can see from the picture, it was just before the autumn colours set in. It was a magnificent day and the walk was equally as good too. We came across this wonderful old road with the trees arching over, and it was as straight as any Roman road. Interestingly, although it was clearly a very old road, it was in good shape and had some very light use. I guess, most from walkers and farm machinery. It was totally clear which way we were going, with no opportunity to stray from this part of the walk. On one side was a very old hedge with an old wall on other to keep us on the ‘straight and narrow’ or perhaps put a better way, on the ‘chosen route’.

When walking in good company it is all too easy to stray from the path that was intended, only to have to retrace steps or find an alternative path. This happens in business too, if there is a route map in place and you stray it is easy to realize and then get back on track. So often in business though, I find that no business plan has been written at all – let alone used as a route map.  Would you start out on a walk with no idea of where you are going – probably not, is my guess. So why try and run a business with no route map – no business plan?

In this short article all I wanted to do was ask the question – are you on the correct road? If you are unsure do have a look at Business Plan On A Page, it may just help you keep on your ‘chosen route’.

My best wishes,


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