Does anything need to change?

I have recently been updating my computer and an interesting challenge it has been too. I love the advances of technology and all that this helps us achieve in our world of work and play. I must admit though, that with each major step there is some pain before the gain. Merging the information held on a number of different devices, including some quite old but favoured laptops, has been a little more exacting than planned.

The move has gone well….with the support of people who are a little more familiar with the processes of technology. But the new equipment is a great step forward. It reminded me of the need to sometimes let go of the old to embrace the new.

As I sit writing this in a favoured cafe just before my next meeting I realise that some things do become so comfortable that we don’t move on, don’t challenge and just get comfortable. The reason I mention this is that my shoes are wonderfully comfortable and have been properly repaired at a cobblers on at least two occasions…..but they are now a little past their prime and looking a little tired….but so comfortable. So, soon it will be time for change here too. Followed by a period of settling in all will be well and I am sure the new pair will look really lovely in their new state. Slowly becoming trusted and comfortable and making the current pair look very tired.

This has now got me thinking about a range of other things too – what clothes have outlived their life. What places have become my safe havens but only through habit? (The cafe will not change by the way, I have just done a quick appraisal and it is still just a great place to visit, eat, have coffee, people watch, informally meet, tap away on my computer while waiting for friends – and the coffee is really good!!) What working methods need updating? What plants in the garden need replacing? What needs redecorating, or a lick of paint? And so more areas to question start to come to mind, don’t they?

Perhaps some more questions to ponder too:

  • What has remained static in your life through habit?
  • Have you got some ‘old shoes’ still on your metaphorical feet that need changing so you can feel the ground beneath your feet, you can enjoy the sensation of living again?
  • Is your journey the familiar and still makes you feel alive, comfortable, confident, or just a rut you are stuck in?
  • Is there something new that you want to do, that you have put off as you feel it may mean letting go of the old?

Now that got me thinking…..I hope it has got you thinking too! The next step is action.

My best wishes,


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